Friday, December 5, 2014


Get set for these cruciferous vegetable which are in-season during this time of the year. The end of the year highlights celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus, sharing the festivities with family and friends and ringing in a new, hopeful and uplifting year.
All over the world celebrations generally feature delicious festive foods for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and New Year’s. Perhaps you will want to add some of these high fiber vegetables to your festive menus. The list below features vegetables available during this time of year. These cruciferous vegetables are featured in North America and other cold climate countries.
Eating seasonal foods insures nourishing your family with the maximum nutrients available which are vital during the cold weather months.
Cruciferous vegetables are beneficial in many areas of health they are high in phytochemicals, minerals, fiber and vitamins. Cruciferous vegetables have been linked as some of the foods that are protective against cancer. In an article published by the American Dietetic Association it was revealed that the benefits of cruciferous vegetables combats cancers such as liver, lung, colon, cervical, breast and uterine lining and those challenged with prostate cancer.
Cruciferous Foods that share
their nutrients during December are cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, bok Choy, broccoli and cauliflower all of which can be eaten raw, fermented or cooked.
Cruciferous vegetables are a rich source of vitamins chose kale to enhance your vitamin A intake, broccoli to enjoy high amounts of vitamin C and Brussels sprouts for vitamin C and folic acid. All of these vegetables are more nutritious when eaten raw as they retain their enzymes which support a healthy digestion. To receive the maximum amount of enzymes in raw/living foods it is very important to pick fresh from the garden, or the foods you purchase needs to have as little hang time on the shelf as possible. It is for this reason I am constantly recommending the local farmers market where the food has less travel time and is picked on the day of or just a day or so before market. Choose raw fermented foods with their preserved phytochemicals which are so beneficial to the body’s health and wellness environment.
Commit to yourself to make an effort to add at least one live dish to each meal. You can choose fresh fruits or smoothie at breakfast, a live soup made from sprouted greens and beans at lunch, a fresh vegetable salad at dinner or perhaps a fresh vegetable juice as a snack or even a sprouted grain or pulse terrain or pate. Support a healthier body environment by choosing these foods each day. Grow your consistency to increase and strengthen your improved health and wellness.
Many of the vegetables mentioned above find their way onto the dinner table during the holiday season with such delicious dishes as kale salad, Brussels sprouts with almonds and cranberries, roasted beets with onions and garlic, cauliflower soup and so many other recipes that celebrate this festive time. There are many recipes to choose from so be sure to add them to your menu this December to enhance your festivities.  
A note of caution here, wash your vegetables thoroughly but do not allow them to soak in the water for any length of time. Water leaches away many of the vital nutrients, especially vitamin C from fruits and vegetables.  
Below is a list of vegetables that are widely available during the month of December.
BEETS supports a healthy liver and cleanses the blood. They are also rich vitamin and minerals content especially vitamin B and iron which supports women who are pregnant. It is an excellent detoxification food and is used as a super food in the prevention of cancer.

BELGIAN ENDIVE slightly bitter these leafy vegetables are excellent addition to salads. They are high in vitamin A which supports a healthy skin, they are rich in vitamin K to support a rich healthy blood.
BOK CHOY vegetable used mostly in stir fry’s provides vitamins A and C. Imagine just 1 cup of bok Choy provides 100% of daily allowance of vitamin A and 2/3 of the vitamin C recommended for daily allowance. (Remember heat destroys vitamin C so it would be more beneficial to use in a salad).

BROCCOLI is packed with powerful antioxidants necessary to protect the body from damaging free radicals that damages the body of a healthy environment damaging cells and deteriorating wellness. Broccoli is known to support people challenged with high blood sugar which causes a buildup of inflammation in the lining walls of the blood vessels.

BRUSSELS SPROUTS just ½ cup is high in fiber accounting for 2g of the recommended daily allowance of 25g for women and 38g for men. High in potassium this small ½ cup serves up 247mg to support healthy blood pressure.

CABBAGE also a cruciferous vegetable is high in vitamin K packing a walloping 85% of the required daily allowance plus rendering 54% vitamin C, plus added B6 and fiber. Vitamin K is known for its prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

CARROTS very high in vitamin A, just one carrot provides over 200% of the daily allowance. Carrots are known for their support of healthy eye sights. They are high in fiber and low in calories.  

CAULIFLOWER this white vegetable is high in fiber and vitamin B. Cauliflower is high in antioxidants known for their fight against cancer.

CELERY juice used as an excellent source in lowering blood pressure, while Celery is high in vitamin A, C and K, boast high mineral content of potassium and is known as a rich source of antioxidants and phyto-nutrients. 
COLLARD GREENS a cousin to the cruciferous vegetables is known for its anticancer benefits. Collard greens are closely connected to its support of reducing lung, colon, bladder, and breast cancer as well as ovarian and prostate cancer. This dark green leafy vegetable helps to correct cholesterol levels, increases the immune system with high levels of vitamin C, a good source of vitamin E and is also high in fiber. This amazing vegetable also shares powerful anti-inflammatory vitamin K as well as omega 3 fatty acids.   
ESCAROLE its rich fiber dietary content has been reported to support lowering of high blood pressure, reduces heart disease, lowers diabetes, and helps to with stroke prevention. 1 cup of escarole shares 4000 IU of vitamin A, and between 60% - 74% of vitamin K. 
FENNEL its high vitamin C content provides benefits in fighting free radicals and reducing inflammation in the body. The entire vegetable has many health beneficial properties. Its leaves are known for their nutrients in the form of vitamins such as vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. It also sports antioxidants which will prevent infections, reduces the effects of aging and other neurological health challenges.
KALE known as one of the super-foods, this cruciferous dark leafy green vegetable is super high in essential amino acids and some non-essential amino acids. It is high in protein, fiber and carbohydrates. One cup of kale contains 134% vitamin C, plus 206% of vitamin A as well as 9% calcium and 9% iron.
LEEKS this vegetable family to onions and garlic has a high vitamin B complex value. This vitamin B complex otherwise known as folate supports healthy cardiovascular health and wellness. B complex vitamins protect the heart and supports cardiovascular health. Leeks contain a high amount of antioxidants which serves as protection for the blood vessels and blood cells.  

MUSHROOMS there are many of these little wonders that are extremely beneficial for different areas and health issues. Shiitake mushrooms are a popular favorite for reducing high cholesterol levels in the blood. They are also known for their anticancer and antiviral properties. Enoki mushrooms helps to build the immune system and fights cancer. Another favorite is Maitake popular in Japanese foods also builds the immune system, has anticancer properties and has antiviral effects and supports health blood pressure while it reduces blood sugar levels.
MUSTARD GREENS these vegetables steamed will support lowering of LDL cholesterol levels research shows the benefits of steamed cruciferous vegetables such as mustard greens and Brussels sprouts the two highest ranking cruciferous cholesterol fighters. For best results chose mustard greens and other cruciferous families five times per week with two cup servings.

ONIONS are known as part of the allium family which includes garlic, leeks, scallions and chives. Their medicinal properties are used to support better health and wellness lowering the risk of cancer, boosting mood swings and increasing health skin and hair.

Potatoes nutritional values for one medium baked potato has a high glycemic index and daily nutrient value: vitamin B6 is 32%, potassium 26%, copper 22%, vitamin C 22%, manganese 19%, phosphorus 17%, fiber 15%, vitamin B3 15% and pantothenic acid 13%. This is certainly one of the foods that will support your daily nutritional intake.

Radicchio this robust red and white vegetable is high in vitamins A and C powerful antioxidants. They are also a good source of calcium and dietary fiber. 3.2oz or 100g serving Radicchio is a high source of vitamin K with 243%, is a good source of potassium with 302mg 6% of daily requirement, and share 15% of vitamin E 2.26mg and 1.43g protein per serving.   

Radish is high in antioxidant vitamin C these little spicy vegetable gives 8.6mg or 14% of the recommended daily allowance. Vitamin C helps to rejuvenate damaged cells preventing the growth of cancer and other illnesses in the body. This vegetable is high in fiber serving up 4% of the required daily allowance in just ½ cup. Fiber is reported to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer and diverticulitis.
Rutabaga is a brassicas high in antioxidant vitamin C cancer fighters, immune system builders and cell protectors. They are a good source of iron which supports healthy blood, which prevents the destruction of healthy cells from free radicals. A serving of rutabagas provides 5% of the daily requirements of iron which helps to build healthy blood.  

Spinach has been reported to prevent prostate cancer. This green leafy vegetable has 987% vitamin K, 105% vitamin A, 84% manganese, 66% folate, 36% iron, 39% magnesium, 34% copper. This nutrient rich vegetable is high in vitamin B2 with 32%, vitamin B6 26%, vitamin E 25%, calcium 24%, vitamin C 24% and potassium 24%. The list continues boasting 17% fiber, 14% phosphorus, and 12% zinc. It is a rich source of protein and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and choline. It also provides significant levels of vitamin B3, selenium and pantothenic acid all these nutrients in just one cup of slightly steamed spinach.
Sweet Potatoes are a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin A with 47% and 15% respectively form just 1½ cups shredded sweet potatoes. It has 5% Potassium, 8% dietary fiber and 4% calcium. 
Sweet potatoes are high in beneficial antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that the steaming method in preparation of sweet potatoes achieves lower glycemic index. High in beta carotene it is suggested to use one tablespoon of healthy fat with a serving 3.5 grams of fat to increase the absorption of the beneficial nutrient beta-carotene.
Swiss chard is a dark green leafy vegetable. In just one cup of chopped Swiss chard is more than 300% of vitamin K. It is low in calories and is high in dietary fiber, it is a good source of minerals in magnesium, iron and potassium. This rich green leaf is a tremendous source of vitamin K, A and vitamin C. And for those who are dieting an extra bonus it is very low in calories. N.B. Because of it high oxalate content the body is diminished in its absorption of calcium, leading to the development (Swiss chard continued) of kidney stones.
Turnip the nutritional benefits of one cup of cubed turnip supports healthy weight loss sporting 3grams of fiber 12% of the daily requirements. It is low in sodium and has 8 grams of carbohydrate 1 gram of protein and 5 grams of sugar. This vegetable is a vitamin C power house rendering 30% of the day’s allowance with just 34 calories with 2% iron and 5% calcium.
Winter Squash caution is to be exercised when purchasing. Since this vegetable is planted to mobilize contaminants from the soil. For this reason it is extremely important to purchase certified organic vegetables only for your dinner table. Winter squash serves up a high amount of nutrients beginning with vitamin A sporting 59% in one cup serving. Also available is vitamin C 26%, fiber 23%, vitamin B6 19%, manganese 19%, copper 19% and potassium 14%. However the list continues with vital nutrients beginning with 11% vitamin B2, 10% pantothenic acid 10% folate, and 10% vitamin K. Also present in this vegetable are omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and vitamin B3. Winter squash is a good source of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Studies have shown this vegetable to be prominent in the prevention and treatment of prostate, colon, breast and lung cancers.   
  • Bahado-Singh PS, Wheatley AO et al. Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. Br J Nutr. 2006 Sep;96(3):476-81. 2006.
·          Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
·         Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
·          Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
·         Ambrosone CB, Tang L. Cruciferous vegetable intake and cancer prevention: role of nutrigenetics.
        Cancer Prev Res (Phila Pa). 2009 Apr;2(4):298-300. 2009.

·         Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
                     National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 27

·         Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
                Basic Report:  11507, Sweet potato, raw, unprepared
  • Cofield N, Schwab AP and Banks MK. Phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil: part I. Dissipation of target contaminants. International Journal of Phytoremediation. Boca Raton: 2007. Vol. 9, Iss. 4-6; pg. 355-370. 2007.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


It is important to consume sodium for daily bodily functions, to maintain healthy blood levels, cellular functions and nerve impulses. However the required amounts of sodium per day should not exceed 1 teaspoon about 2,300 milligrams for the average person. In a report published in 2010 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Health and Human Services, people of color and those over the age of 50 should not exceed 1,500 milligrams salt per day. Unfortunately too many people are exceeding this amount, some consuming as much as to 3 teaspoons of salt per day about 6,900 milligrams of sodium. Hence the epidemic results of high blood pressure in our communities. We people of color can change this legacy by shifting our taste buds to depreciate salt rather than over appreciating and increasing the sodium we deliver to our bodies each day. Begin protecting your kidneys by following strict low sodium consumption daily. Making a few small changes will save your life and even keep you away from the weekly dialysis machines to flush your kidneys and your blood.

Here are a few guidelines to help you shift from medical statistics to living a vibrant and healthy lifestyle. Get started with these few suggestions.
  • Keep a strict record of daily sodium intake per day.
  • Use Cayenne in place of salt which actually helps to lower your blood pressure.
  • Use whole Limes, Lemons, Grapefruit, Oranges to enhance the flavors of your foods; this includes the rind, the membrane and even the pith which is a bit bitter so you would want to limit the amount you use. 
  • Drink at least 10 glasses of fresh clean natural spring water per day leave the purified water on the shelf.
  • Eliminate White Sugar, White Flour, processed refined foods, and sodas, cakes, candy and fruit juices. 
  • Add fresh fruits (apples, banana, berries), whole grains such as (quinoa, wild rice, oats, amaranth, barley) and fresh leafy green vegetables as in (kale, collard greens and spinach), and other vegetables low in sodium such as (carrots, beets, cucumbers, okra, mushrooms and eggplant) and spring onions and shallots, too.
  • If bread is a must then use breads that are made with whole grains, not those that are made with white flour with a few whole grains added to it. Seek out Ezekiel breads in the freezer section of your grocers, there are about eight to ten varieties to choose from.
  • Use more fresh Herbs which are also low in sodium, the most popular is fresh parsley, which adds a delicious flavor to your dishes, also thyme, rosemary, cilantro, sage and marjoram add a delicious flavor to most dishes, whether, grains, greens, fish or poultry.  
  • Add protein rich foods such as Nuts, Seeds, Peas and Beans, Whole Grains, Fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna and lean white meat Poultry. 
  • Avoid cured, pickled or fermented foods, olives, pickles, luncheon meats, sauerkraut and other condiments such as catsup, mustard, fish sauce and Worcestershire sauce. 
  • Use only omega rich oils such as Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Flax seed oil and Cod Liver oil, the skin of salmon and other fish mentioned above.  
  • Use nut milks, goat and sheep cheese in place of cow’s milk and cheeses. 
  • Avoid dried sulfured fruits as these are very high in sodium as much as 210 milligrams of sodium in one 8oz cup. 
  • Many canned, jarred and frozen fruits and vegetables are processed with salt and therefore have a high in sodium content. Know the source of the product you are purchasing. Some companies for example use sodium to peel tomatoes. This process increases the sodium content in the jarred and canned tomatoes you purchase. 
  • Use fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible, they are just as easy to prepare.  
  • Avoid artificial and chemical additions such as sweeteners like saccharin, equal etc., and food stabilizers as in monosodium glutamate or its more common name MSG, preservatives like sodium nitrite and sodium benzoate. For that matter eliminate any excess sodium additions whether stabilizers, sweeteners, emulsifiers, buffers or thickeners since they will most likely include salt as one of their major ingredients.
Be cognizant of what you do each day how and what you eat goes a long way to enjoying a good daily health and wellness lifestyle. 

Feeding Your Mind Body and Soul…JAZZ UP YOUR LIFE NOW -  - 

Jazz Fenton, HHC is a holistic health and wellness coach, and a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She is also a Cordon Bleu graduate chef since 1984. She is the CEO of Jazz Up Your Life Now and Festive Palate Cookery School. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sitting in a mango tree: SEASONAL EATING

Sitting in a mango tree: SEASONAL EATING


As the cold winter months slowly creep in we begin to prepare for those cold, freezing days where your hands feel as cold as ice, your ears become as red as an apple, tears stream down your face at free will. All these adversarial circumstances lead you to prepare for this uncomfortable time of year. Eating proper foods to starve off the cold is very important. During November these foods are in abundance and should be taken full advantage of in every kitchen.

Root vegetables are a popular bunch during the cooler seasons. Since most of them are hearty, robust and bursting with hue, fill your plate and your bowl with the bursting flavors of mother earth.
Here is the list of seasonal November vegetables to shift your focus, tease your palate, enhance your wellness and keep you feeling warm inside as the weather becomes colder outside.

Arugula – contains 20% vitamin A, more than 50% vitamin K as wells as 8% of vitamin C, folate and calcium
Brussels Sprout – high in minerals with 342mg Potassium, per cup; and 664 IU vitamin A, plus 7.88g carbohydrates.   
Cabbage – with 1 cup chopped 36mg calcium, 151mg potassium, 82.4g water.
Carrots – 1 cup grated 12.26g carbohydrates, 3.1g fiber, 5.21g sugar, 410mg potassium, 76mg calcium, 18377IU vitamin A
Cauliflower – 100g maintains 92.07g water, 299mg potassium, 22mg calcium, 30mg sodium
Celeriac – 100g high in minerals with phosphorus 115mg, potassium 300mg, sodium 100mg and magnesium 20mg and 43mg calcium and it also provides 9.20g carbohydrates
Celery – 100g contains 260mg potassium, 40mg calcium, 80mg sodium, 2.97g carbohydrates and 95.43g water
Endive – 100g contains 93.79g water, 52mg calcium, 15mg magnesium, 28mg phosphorus and 314mg potassium with 6.5mg vitamin. Also vitamins with 6.5mg vitamin C, 2167IU vitamin A, 231.0pg vitamin K
Garlic – 3 cloves or 9g equals 2.98g carbohydrate, 16mg calcium, 36mg potassium, 14mg phosphorus, plus 2.8mg vitamin C
Kale – 100g has 84.04g water, 4.28g protein, 8.75g carbohydrate, with 150mg calcium, 491mg potassium, and 120mg vitamin C and 9990IU vitamin A
Leeks – 1 or 89g provides 1484IU vitamin A and 160mg potassium
Onions – 1 small provides 62.38g water, 6.54g carbohydrates, 2.97g sugar, plus 16mg calcium, 7mg magnesium, 20mg phosphorus, 102mg potassium, 16mg calcium,
Parsnips – per 100g provide 1.20g protein, 17.99g carbohydrates, 4.9g fiber, 4.80g sugar, with 36mg calcium, 375mg potassium, 29mg magnesium and 71mg phosphorus
Red Peppers – per 100g provides 92.21g water, 6g carbohydrate, 2.1g fiber, 4.2g sugar, with 211mg potassium, 3131IU vitamin A and 1.58mg vitamin E
Potatoes – 100g contains 2.02g protein, 17.47g carbohydrate, 421mg potassium and 23mg magnesium and 19.7mg vitamin C
Pumpkin – 100g provides 91.60mg water, 6.5g carbohydrates, 2.76g sugar, with 340mg potassium and 8513IU vitamin A
Radishes – 100g provides 95.27g water, 3.4g carbohydrates, 23mg phosphorus and 233mg potassium,
Rutabaga – 100g provides 8.62g carbohydrates, 2.3g fiber, 305mg potassium, 25mg vitamin C and 43mg calcium
Squashes, winter and acorn – 100g provide 10.42g carbohydrates, 347mg potassium, 33mg calcium, 36mg phosphorus, 32mg magnesium and 11mg vitamin C and 367IU vitamin A
Sweet Potato – 100g provides 20.12g carbohydrates, 4.18g sugar, 77.28g water, plus 337mg potassium, 47mg phosphorus, 25mg magnesium, 55mg sodium and 2.4mg vitamin C and 14187IU vitamin A
Swiss Chard – 100g provides 92.66g water, 3.74g carbohydrate, 213mg sodium, 379mg potassium, 51mg calcium, 81mg magnesium, with 6116IU vitamin A and 1.89mg vitamin E
Turnips – 100g provides 6.43g carbohydrates, 91.87g water, 3.8g sugar, 191mg potassium, 67mg sodium, 27mg phosphorus and 21mg vitamin C,
Watercress – 100g provides 120mg calcium, 330mg potassium, 60mg phosphorus, 41mg sodium, 43mg vitamin C and 3191IU vitamin A  - - 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014



Why eat local fruits? Here are a few nutritional benefits
Freshness – this means your fruits retain more of their nutrients. They will be more tasty, crisp and delicious.
Fruits that have been shipped from abroad or long distances lose a valuable part of the Vitamins A, B, C and E after been picked. Hence the longer the fruit takes to get to your table the less nutritious they become.
Another positive for buying local fruits is the fruit remains on the tree until it is fully ripened therefore absorbing more of the valuable nutrients from the tree.  The best foods are those that have optimal nutritional value.
Local organic farms do not use chemicals, growth hormones, pesticides and other poisons to insure their crop gets to market. The farmer is concerned with bringing quality, delicious nutritious fruits to its consumers.

APPLES – available through to October 31, 2014
NUTRITION FACTS RAW WITH SKIN Serving Size 1 cup, chopped or quartered 125g
                  High in fiber 3grams or 12%
                  Sugars 13grams
                  Carbohydrates 17 grams or 6%
  Calories 65
  Vitamin C 10%
*Apple obtains its calories from sugar.

PEARS –available through to October 31, 2014
NUTRITION FACTS RAW WITH SKIN Serving Size 1 small 148g
High in fiber 5 grams or 18%
Sugars 15 grams
Calories 86
Carbohydrate 23 grams or 8%
Vitamin C 10%
*The calories in Pears are from sugar.

GRAPES – available through October 31, 2014
NUTRITION FACTS RAW WITH SKIN Serving Size 1 cup or 92g
                Sugars 15g
                Carbohydrate 16g or 5%
                Vitamin A 2%
Vitamin C 6%
Fiber 1g or 3%
Calcium 1%
Iron 1%

RASPBERRIES – available through October 31, 2014
NUTRITIONAL FACTS RAW Serving size 1 cup or 123g
Vitamin C 54%
Calcium 3%
Iron 5%
Calories 64
Carbohydrate 15g or 5%
Fiber 8g or 32%
Sugar 5g
Protein 1g
*This delicious little fruit is a good source of Vitamin K, Magnesium and Manganese. However most of the calories come from sugar.

WATERMELON – available through October 31, 2014
NUTRITION FACTS RAW Serving size 1 cup or 154g
Vitamin C 21%
Vitamin A 18%
Iron 2%
Calcium 1%
Carbohydrate 12g or 4%
Sugar 10g
Fiber 1g or 2%
Calories 46
*Watermelon is also a good source of Potassium. However the calories are all from sugar. 

Friday, October 3, 2014


Fall is a time of changing colors, lighted fire places, fallen leaves, cool nights, northern breezes and hot toddies.  It is the time to enjoy the delicious apples, pears, figs and cranberries that the fall has brought in abundance. These fruits are a excellent start to shifting the body from the warm summer environment to adjusting to the cooler months ahead. 

For a pre-breakfast drink or an afternoon pick me up make yourself a delicious apple and pear juice with the spice of fresh ginger.  How about filling up with a fresh fig protein shake for breakfast? Now that these fruits are in season get the highest nutrients that may lower your cholesterol levels, build up your immune system, increase your vitamin C levels insuring you will be cold free this winter. And did you know that the pectin in apples may increase your heart strength, preventing the development of cardiovascular challenges?  

Cranberries are an excellent kidney cleanser and nourishing food. The very tart berries are high in anti-oxidant, anti-cancer benefits and anti-inflammatory properties of the cranberry.   

APPLES high in vitamin C which is a building block for the immune system.

PEARS along with vitamin C, copper and boron which helps your body to retain calcium pears are high I fiber which will support lowering your blood sugar levels and cholesterol.

CRANBERRIES are excellent cancer fighters, high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties these whole fresh fruits will support many areas of the body including the liver and heart. 

FIGS these fruits are high in fiber, eating high fiber fruits and vegetables may help to regulate the blood sugar, as well as figs will increase your bowel movements. 

For the best healthy lifestyle eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season. Purchasing from the local farmers markets will allow for fresher produce in your kitchen.Insuring to receive a more nutritious fruit or vegetable for you and your family.    

Monday, September 8, 2014


PROTEIN is one of the vital nutrients needed in your daily meal plan for optimal body function. The Power of Protein provides nourishment for body cells, hair and nails as well as repairs tissues. Protein also assists the body in making enzymes and hormones as well as helps to build strong muscles, bones, blood, cartilage and skin. These amounts are recommended by the USDA for the following Women who are:

19-30 years old 5 ½ ounce equivalents**
31-50 years old 5 ounce equivalents**
51+ years old 5 ounce equivalents**

These amounts are recommended specifically for women who participate in at least 30 minutes of exercises or other physical activity, more than their regular daily functions.

There are various protein choices available in Dried Beans; Peas, Nuts, Seeds.
1oz of mixed Nuts with 2 teaspoons of nut oil is Equivalent to 2ozs. of protein.
1oz or 9 whole Walnuts (18 halves) with 2 teaspoons nut oil is equivalent to 2oz of protein.
1oz Cashews or 13 whole with 2 teaspoons nut, seed or vegetable oil is equivalent to 2oz of protein.
1oz Almonds or 25 whole with 2 teaspoon vegetable, seed or nut oil is equivalent to 2oz. protein.

You may add to your protein intake with these:
½ cup cooked Adzuki Beans equals 8 grams of protein
½ cup cooked Lentils equals 9 grams of protein
½ cup cooked Black Beans equals 2oz or 7 grams of protein
½ cup cooked Kidney Beans equals 2oz or 7 grams of protein
½ cup cooked Pinto Beans equals 2oz or 7 grams of protein

As it turns out to much protein can be just as harmful as too little protein so follow your guidelines carefully. Moderation is always the key to a healthy meal plan and improved wellness.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014


BLUEBERRIES the super, super food is a must in your daily diet, if you would like to improve your health, or increase your antioxidants, and according to a report from Tufts University blueberries “activate abdominal fat cells, increase weight loss, release stomach fat.” This activation is due to the catechins in the blueberries which specifically activates fat-burning genes in the abdomen fat cells. Wow, a brilliant fruit that targets the exact area of your body where the most support is needed, no wonder berries are so popular among health advocates.    
So, why is reducing stomach so very fat important? In an article in Women’s Health Magazine – The New Abs Diet for Women shared the findings of a study of 8,000 people  over a period of thirteen years showed “the people with the weakest abdominal muscles had a death rate more than twice as high as those with the strongest midsections.”

An amazing number of people are struggling with the side effects of carrying around belly fat; which is blamed for diseases in heart health, toxic livers and many other health challenges. Consuming Blueberries can be a beneficial way to boost a healthy stomach, increase your immune system, combat many health challenges such as diabetes and cancer.

Blueberries are high in vitamin K which support healthy bones preventing fractures and may even prevent bone loss, blood clotting is necessary to combat cuts and bruises, and may also prevent salt build up in the body tissues.

The deep blue pigment in the blueberry is due to the high content of the purple flavanoids Anthocyanins which are responsible for the dominance not only in blueberries but other fruits and vegetables such as cherries, black berries, blackcurrants, Concord and Mus-cadine grapes,  and other purple vegetables such as the skin of the eggplant, purple cabbage, and black rice. 

Also found in Blueberries are phytonutrients known as proanthocyanidins which are responsible for the also reducing free radicals which increases wrinkles and other diseases. Also in the extensive research on blueberries it has been found that these super fruits may reverse memory loss as well and improve motor skill.

Blueberries can be eaten fresh, frozen, dried or cooked. However it is important to note that cooked foods will lose their enzymes necessary for alkalizing of the stomach to support a healthier body environment.

Here is a quick recipe to get you on your way to better health and wellness. 


Saturday, August 30, 2014


Increasing your Enzymes intake is beneficial to cleanse a toxic liver. The liver becomes toxic by simple daily experiences, such as the stress of a bad or personal relationship, through toxic work and home environments, not getting along with co-workers, or a boss who is being difficult, work load that is too heavy to complete on a given timetable. Basically, the liver becomes toxic through relationships that do not serve you or bring joy into your life. 

Other ways the liver can become toxic is by eating foods that are filled with toxins, foods such as meat, fruits, vegetables, that are grown with performance enhancement drugs, artificial growth hormones and sprayed with pesticides are toxic. Consuming these foods will pollute your liver and prevent it from efficiently performing its function, which is to remove pollutants from your body.

The liver must be stimulated with foods that are beneficial, and will allow it to   perform optimally and to insure a stimulated healthy body environment.

To support a healthy liver and body environment, take a look at this list of twenty one foods that will nourish and cleanse your liver naturally on a daily basis, by removing toxins from the liver. A healthy liver functions optimally when environmental toxins and fats are detoxified or eliminated from your body.

 You can strengthen your liver by eating foods that are rich in enzymes. Foods that are fermented, fresh, sprouted and alive will stimulate the liver to cleanse away the toxins that are absorbed through daily living.

Supporting the liver function can be as simple as removing heavy fatty foods, fried foods, margarines, shortening and oils such as rape seed oil (canola), pharmaceuticals and other toxic items from your immediate food environment and choices.

Your liver function can be improved by eating your supper at least three hours prior to bed time. Allowing your digestive system the time it needs to process and absorb the nutrients from your meal; this in turn will give your liver optimal time and opportunity to cleanse away the toxins your body has absorbed throughout the day.

You can start supporting your liver function by adding these foods into your meal plans:

1.     Wheat grass helps in cleansing the liver.
2.     Garlic, Onions high in sulfur to enhance enzyme movement to increase liver cleansing.
3.      Raw vinegar cleanses the liver.
4.     Flax seeds support the filtration of excess hormones.
5.     Carrots cleanse and nourish the liver.
6.     Beets cleanse and nourish the liver.
7.     Dandelion helps to cleanse the liver.
8.     Turmeric supports strengthening the liver.
9.     Lecithin supports metabolizing fats and lowers cholesterol.

    Foods high in vitamin C such as acerola cherries, cantaloupe, kiwi, mango, papaya and pineapple as well as cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and watermelon including citrus fruits as grapefruit, tangelos, tangerines and oranges

1.      Apple cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of harmful toxins.
1.      Broccoli and Cauliflower cruciferous vegetables that increases the enzyme production                in the liver the release of glucosinolate into the body system.
1.    Fermented Foods - Kimchee, Sauerkraut, Rejuvelac
1.      Lemons & Limes are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C supports the body’s function in the                  removal of damaging toxins.
1.     Walnuts are high in amino acid arginine and support the detoxification of the liver
1.      Green Leafy Vegetables - Kale, Cabbage, Mustard Greens, and Spinach are extremely              high in chlorophylls which remove toxins from the body environment.
1.    Green Tea high in catechins an antioxidant which enhances the liver’s tasks of cleansing                and also supports the digestion.
    Raw Nuts and Seeds soaking will increase enzymes, add fatty acids and protein

2Gluten free grains such as quinoa, millet and buckwheat will support a reduction of gluten          intake, therefore lowering gluten levels in the body.

2Avocado packed with omega 6 this fruit is a super food powerhouse that supports the body’s              production of glutathione which cleanses the liver of destructive, poisonous toxin. 

  Olive oil first pressed olive oil, flaxseed and hemp seed oils used moderately will support the
           increased lipid base that will remove harmful toxins

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE is at epidemic portions all over the world. One of the main reasons is the excess salt being absorbed through processed foods, frozen foods, canned foods, sodas.

The quality of life that many HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE sufferers are living is simply unforgivable. Life was given to us to live, to enjoy, to excel in. Today take a stand for yourself to Lower Your Blood Pressure with herbs and spices. Try Rosemary on vegetables, poultry or fish. High in anti-inflammatory properties, enhances the flavors and also releases beautiful essences. Other beneficial fresh herbs and spices high in anti inflammatory properties: Ginger, Turmeric, Angelica, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Basil, Cardamon, Chives, Cilantro, Cloves, Garlic and Parsley.

When preparing meals use fresh herbs, instead of salt which also provides lots of flavor and the ever beneficial anti-inflammatory properties and benefits.
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