Saturday, August 30, 2014


Increasing your Enzymes intake is beneficial to cleanse a toxic liver. The liver becomes toxic by simple daily experiences, such as the stress of a bad or personal relationship, through toxic work and home environments, not getting along with co-workers, or a boss who is being difficult, work load that is too heavy to complete on a given timetable. Basically, the liver becomes toxic through relationships that do not serve you or bring joy into your life. 

Other ways the liver can become toxic is by eating foods that are filled with toxins, foods such as meat, fruits, vegetables, that are grown with performance enhancement drugs, artificial growth hormones and sprayed with pesticides are toxic. Consuming these foods will pollute your liver and prevent it from efficiently performing its function, which is to remove pollutants from your body.

The liver must be stimulated with foods that are beneficial, and will allow it to   perform optimally and to insure a stimulated healthy body environment.

To support a healthy liver and body environment, take a look at this list of twenty one foods that will nourish and cleanse your liver naturally on a daily basis, by removing toxins from the liver. A healthy liver functions optimally when environmental toxins and fats are detoxified or eliminated from your body.

 You can strengthen your liver by eating foods that are rich in enzymes. Foods that are fermented, fresh, sprouted and alive will stimulate the liver to cleanse away the toxins that are absorbed through daily living.

Supporting the liver function can be as simple as removing heavy fatty foods, fried foods, margarines, shortening and oils such as rape seed oil (canola), pharmaceuticals and other toxic items from your immediate food environment and choices.

Your liver function can be improved by eating your supper at least three hours prior to bed time. Allowing your digestive system the time it needs to process and absorb the nutrients from your meal; this in turn will give your liver optimal time and opportunity to cleanse away the toxins your body has absorbed throughout the day.

You can start supporting your liver function by adding these foods into your meal plans:

1.     Wheat grass helps in cleansing the liver.
2.     Garlic, Onions high in sulfur to enhance enzyme movement to increase liver cleansing.
3.      Raw vinegar cleanses the liver.
4.     Flax seeds support the filtration of excess hormones.
5.     Carrots cleanse and nourish the liver.
6.     Beets cleanse and nourish the liver.
7.     Dandelion helps to cleanse the liver.
8.     Turmeric supports strengthening the liver.
9.     Lecithin supports metabolizing fats and lowers cholesterol.

    Foods high in vitamin C such as acerola cherries, cantaloupe, kiwi, mango, papaya and pineapple as well as cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and watermelon including citrus fruits as grapefruit, tangelos, tangerines and oranges

1.      Apple cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of harmful toxins.
1.      Broccoli and Cauliflower cruciferous vegetables that increases the enzyme production                in the liver the release of glucosinolate into the body system.
1.    Fermented Foods - Kimchee, Sauerkraut, Rejuvelac
1.      Lemons & Limes are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C supports the body’s function in the                  removal of damaging toxins.
1.     Walnuts are high in amino acid arginine and support the detoxification of the liver
1.      Green Leafy Vegetables - Kale, Cabbage, Mustard Greens, and Spinach are extremely              high in chlorophylls which remove toxins from the body environment.
1.    Green Tea high in catechins an antioxidant which enhances the liver’s tasks of cleansing                and also supports the digestion.
    Raw Nuts and Seeds soaking will increase enzymes, add fatty acids and protein

2Gluten free grains such as quinoa, millet and buckwheat will support a reduction of gluten          intake, therefore lowering gluten levels in the body.

2Avocado packed with omega 6 this fruit is a super food powerhouse that supports the body’s              production of glutathione which cleanses the liver of destructive, poisonous toxin. 

  Olive oil first pressed olive oil, flaxseed and hemp seed oils used moderately will support the
           increased lipid base that will remove harmful toxins

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE is at epidemic portions all over the world. One of the main reasons is the excess salt being absorbed through processed foods, frozen foods, canned foods, sodas.

The quality of life that many HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE sufferers are living is simply unforgivable. Life was given to us to live, to enjoy, to excel in. Today take a stand for yourself to Lower Your Blood Pressure with herbs and spices. Try Rosemary on vegetables, poultry or fish. High in anti-inflammatory properties, enhances the flavors and also releases beautiful essences. Other beneficial fresh herbs and spices high in anti inflammatory properties: Ginger, Turmeric, Angelica, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Basil, Cardamon, Chives, Cilantro, Cloves, Garlic and Parsley.

When preparing meals use fresh herbs, instead of salt which also provides lots of flavor and the ever beneficial anti-inflammatory properties and benefits.
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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


1.    High-density lipoprotein, or HDL: is good cholesterol that is responsible for keeping your arteries clear of harmful plaque which builds up and creates blockages.

  1. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL: LDL cholesterol is responsible for plaque buildup; which narrows and reduces the flexibility of your arteries. This narrowing of the arteries to the heart or brain may lead to clots; which could result in a heart attack or stroke. 

LDL Cholesterol levels increases when an accumulated amount of fried foods and high fat is consumed as in egg yolks, fatty red meats, bacon, skin and dark meat of poultry, seafood as in lobster, shrimp, oysters etc., cheeses, creams, butter just to mention a few. Another contributing factor to increasing your LDL is lack of exercises.
HDL Cholesterol increases with a consistent intake of foods such as beans, whole grains, red wine, fresh fruits and vegetables just to mention a few.  

If a high (High-Density Lipoprotein) LDL is a health challenge for you here are a few recommendations that will support your path to healthier cholesterol levels:
(a)  Eliminate refined processed grains and sugars in your diet especially high fructose syrups.
(b)  Increase raw and living foods, fermented raw foods consumption into your daily meals.
(d)  ADD OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS TO YOUR MEALS: as in Flax Seeds, Walnuts, Cauliflower, Winter squash and Brussels sprouts to name just a few.
(e)  Increase foods that are high in EPA and DHA such as sea vegetables and fermented raw/living foods such as raw kraut, kimchi, rejuvelac, Miso and Kombucha. Fermented foods will increase your enzymes intake which will promote a healthier digestive system daily; fermented foods will also boost your immune system and add beneficial bacteria.
(f)   Use extra virgin olive oil (do not heat), use raw organic coconut oil (which should be used when cooking or baking foods)
(g)  Pay attention to your oral hygiene as poor oral hygiene could be an indicator of increased risk of heart problems. 
(h)  Increase sun light intake, through walking, gardening, exercising, swimming in the sun. in taking sun light will increase vitamin D intake.
(i)    Eat foods high in vitamin E to increase your antioxidant levels such as Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Spinach, Kale, Swiss chard, Tomatoes, Mango, Kiwi, Avocado and Broccoli.
(j)    Avoid excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages and smoking.
(k)  Daily exercising will support healthy cholesterol levels while strengthening your heart and muscles. 
My recommendation is that you begin shifting your diet by including the recommended foods and wellness protocols. You will certainly begin to reap the rewards in a very short space of time. Try it today and begin reaping the rewards through a continuous increase of HDL cholesterol foods and eliminating LDL cholesterol foods to support your healing and to experience increased wellness. 

Jazz Fenton 
Holistic Health Practitioner
Raw Food Chef