Saturday, November 8, 2014


As the cold winter months slowly creep in we begin to prepare for those cold, freezing days where your hands feel as cold as ice, your ears become as red as an apple, tears stream down your face at free will. All these adversarial circumstances lead you to prepare for this uncomfortable time of year. Eating proper foods to starve off the cold is very important. During November these foods are in abundance and should be taken full advantage of in every kitchen.

Root vegetables are a popular bunch during the cooler seasons. Since most of them are hearty, robust and bursting with hue, fill your plate and your bowl with the bursting flavors of mother earth.
Here is the list of seasonal November vegetables to shift your focus, tease your palate, enhance your wellness and keep you feeling warm inside as the weather becomes colder outside.

Arugula – contains 20% vitamin A, more than 50% vitamin K as wells as 8% of vitamin C, folate and calcium
Brussels Sprout – high in minerals with 342mg Potassium, per cup; and 664 IU vitamin A, plus 7.88g carbohydrates.   
Cabbage – with 1 cup chopped 36mg calcium, 151mg potassium, 82.4g water.
Carrots – 1 cup grated 12.26g carbohydrates, 3.1g fiber, 5.21g sugar, 410mg potassium, 76mg calcium, 18377IU vitamin A
Cauliflower – 100g maintains 92.07g water, 299mg potassium, 22mg calcium, 30mg sodium
Celeriac – 100g high in minerals with phosphorus 115mg, potassium 300mg, sodium 100mg and magnesium 20mg and 43mg calcium and it also provides 9.20g carbohydrates
Celery – 100g contains 260mg potassium, 40mg calcium, 80mg sodium, 2.97g carbohydrates and 95.43g water
Endive – 100g contains 93.79g water, 52mg calcium, 15mg magnesium, 28mg phosphorus and 314mg potassium with 6.5mg vitamin. Also vitamins with 6.5mg vitamin C, 2167IU vitamin A, 231.0pg vitamin K
Garlic – 3 cloves or 9g equals 2.98g carbohydrate, 16mg calcium, 36mg potassium, 14mg phosphorus, plus 2.8mg vitamin C
Kale – 100g has 84.04g water, 4.28g protein, 8.75g carbohydrate, with 150mg calcium, 491mg potassium, and 120mg vitamin C and 9990IU vitamin A
Leeks – 1 or 89g provides 1484IU vitamin A and 160mg potassium
Onions – 1 small provides 62.38g water, 6.54g carbohydrates, 2.97g sugar, plus 16mg calcium, 7mg magnesium, 20mg phosphorus, 102mg potassium, 16mg calcium,
Parsnips – per 100g provide 1.20g protein, 17.99g carbohydrates, 4.9g fiber, 4.80g sugar, with 36mg calcium, 375mg potassium, 29mg magnesium and 71mg phosphorus
Red Peppers – per 100g provides 92.21g water, 6g carbohydrate, 2.1g fiber, 4.2g sugar, with 211mg potassium, 3131IU vitamin A and 1.58mg vitamin E
Potatoes – 100g contains 2.02g protein, 17.47g carbohydrate, 421mg potassium and 23mg magnesium and 19.7mg vitamin C
Pumpkin – 100g provides 91.60mg water, 6.5g carbohydrates, 2.76g sugar, with 340mg potassium and 8513IU vitamin A
Radishes – 100g provides 95.27g water, 3.4g carbohydrates, 23mg phosphorus and 233mg potassium,
Rutabaga – 100g provides 8.62g carbohydrates, 2.3g fiber, 305mg potassium, 25mg vitamin C and 43mg calcium
Squashes, winter and acorn – 100g provide 10.42g carbohydrates, 347mg potassium, 33mg calcium, 36mg phosphorus, 32mg magnesium and 11mg vitamin C and 367IU vitamin A
Sweet Potato – 100g provides 20.12g carbohydrates, 4.18g sugar, 77.28g water, plus 337mg potassium, 47mg phosphorus, 25mg magnesium, 55mg sodium and 2.4mg vitamin C and 14187IU vitamin A
Swiss Chard – 100g provides 92.66g water, 3.74g carbohydrate, 213mg sodium, 379mg potassium, 51mg calcium, 81mg magnesium, with 6116IU vitamin A and 1.89mg vitamin E
Turnips – 100g provides 6.43g carbohydrates, 91.87g water, 3.8g sugar, 191mg potassium, 67mg sodium, 27mg phosphorus and 21mg vitamin C,
Watercress – 100g provides 120mg calcium, 330mg potassium, 60mg phosphorus, 41mg sodium, 43mg vitamin C and 3191IU vitamin A  - - 

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