Wednesday, February 19, 2014


by Jazz Fenton, HHC - Health and Wellness Coach
This winter was especially challenging for most of us, and even now when we should be looking forward to warmer times we find ourselves bracing for more of winter’s harsh cold days and nights; and as if that wasn’t enough we have experienced more snow during this season than any other time since 2010 when we had 75 inches of snow.  So we continue to seek ways to combat any lasting adverse effects of the cold weather on the body. The cold weather can cause depression and increases the day to day stresses of daily functions in some people. Staying positive for the average person, takes a monumental effort, and some people use family oriented indoor activities to keep their spirits up, while some use food to alleviate their feelings of depression.

Winter and the Skin
Winter can have an adverse effect on the skin, the mind and the internal organs, and can change one’s outlook on everyday living. During the winter, the dry heat from radiators and other heating elements causes the cells to close and the skin to dry out, leaving the outer areas of the body flaky, dry, cracked, chapped and even broken.  
It is not enough to apply or rub lotion on the skin, the side effects from prolonged indoor heating to keep the body warm unfortunately dries out the skin and dehydrates the body. The body craves additional care and the best time to add more moisture to the skin is when it is still wet after the shower or by adding oils to one’s bath water and also allowing the skin to air dry. This way the skin gets maximum moisture.

Winter Blues and Overeating
Excessive eating sometimes is caused through depression. Having less sunlight could be a contributing factor, since the sun rises late in the morning and sets early in the afternoon. The lack of sunshine on our skin is then combined with inconsistent or no exercise; or a lack of interactions with others socially can exacerbate one’s depressive state of mind.

Overtime an accumulation of overeating and a lack of exercising cause the body to store fat. The body’s excess fat helps to elevate the amount of toxins deposited and stored in the tissues. Toxins can accumulate in the body from many different sources, such as the environment, the foods you eat, the clothes you wear, the television you watch, the water you drink are just a few. The body is continuously absorbing toxins which causes illnesses and discomforts and prevents one from functioning optimally.  These toxins could be manifested as insomnia, bloating and gas, constipation, headaches, diarrhea, skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and rashes. Others may experience premenstrual difficulties and bad breath and the list goes on. There are many avenues for toxicity to express itself through the body. What appears as a simple heart burn, or a foul smelling stool are signs of toxicity. Constantly feeling over tired, pains and aches in the joints, a constant runny nose and bloating can be evidence of an accumulation of toxins in the body.

Detoxing for Better Health
Detoxifying has been used over the centuries to cleanse the body of unwanted toxins that creates health challenges and threatens the day to day effects of living healthfully. There are many different modalities of detoxifying such as juicing, fasting,  raw food diet, macrobiotic nutrition, water fasting, chelation therapy, colon cleanse, saunas, and hydrotherapy are tools used to remove toxicity from the body. During the seasonal change Detoxing is a way of life for many who wish to boost themselves, and shift from sluggish to energetic from one season to the next. Some are done for one to three days with juices; some are even done for seven to twenty one days or more. Still others use coconut water, soups, herbs, fruits or even raw foods.  
So now that Spring is upon us, and after the deluge of freezing, snowy winter days it is time to turn up your energy, rejuvenate your body, shed the accumulated excess winter fat, lift your spirits and welcome in the new season with a tailor made detox program. 

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