Thursday, March 12, 2015


We have endured one of the hardest winters we have experienced in many, many years. With that endurance came one or two sizes around your belly leaving you looking and feeling larger than you were last fall. How did this occur? There are many reasons, lifestyle habits is one of the largest contributing factors to weight gain. For the purpose of this article I will focus here however BELLY FAT it contributing factors and making the necessary changes that will shift the bloating, excess gas and weight gain.

Belly fat is associated with many illnesses and health challenges such as heart disease, stroke, obesity, high blood sugar/diabetes. The coldness, darkness and dank weather made you feel like wrapping yourself in a blank all winter long; moving only when it was absolutely necessary and in an effort to keep warm you ate every comfort food you could find. Although these might have brought comfort to you for a short spell they also brought overall excess fat but even more accumulated around the stomach and waist area.

Here are a few reasons why you might have found yourself in this predicament. The foods you ate are more likely the culprit to your new waist line. If you indulged with these foods this past winter – heavy fatty foods: butter, cheese, heavy fatty red meats are just some of the most well- known causes of belly fat. Another cause is the over indulgence of alcohol due to the myths of the comforts been that it brings but which are super high in calories. Eating sweets in an attempt to make you feel better such as cookies, cakes, pastries and including fast foods, fried foods, foods prepared with margarine will certainly contribute to your now accumulated belly fat. This is the perfect opportunity to make notes to learn from as you transition from winter to spring.

There are other reasons that bloating can occur one such is in the combinations of foods that is consumed. For example bloating will occur when fruits and vegetables are combined as is now the craze of making smoothies. Fruits and meats digested together create an environment of fermentation in the belly which increases bloating and gases and interrupts proper digestion. For years it has been a custom to match fruits and grains together for hearty nourishing breakfast, unfortunately together these foods prevents proper digestion.

Fruits are to be eaten on their own and allowing adequate time for proper digestion before adding other foods.

Animal Protein should be eaten with vegetables only, and grains should also be combined with vegetables.

Since research shows that weight gain can be a contributing factor to health challenges such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease to name just a few, then it is time to examine the contributing factors that are holding up in your kitchen. For example do you have these foods in your larder? Have they been your companion for the cold winter days and nights? Dense carbohydrates such as white flour foods: bagels and white flour breads, crackers, processed cereals, white rice or perhaps its snack foods such as pretzels also a white flour prepared food. Or how about frying foods or using saturated fats like dairy foods creams, and other full fat foods. Or perhaps you used and might still are using unhealthy omega-6 fats such as corn oil, safflower, and sunflower and we mustn’t forget good old soy bean oils.

Well it is time to remove them not just from your list but also from your food pantry. Eating these foods are more than likely the culprit to your now larger belly. But we mustn’t forget artificial sweeteners and other sugar free foods that can cause bloating.

This leads me to remind you to always read the labels – look for these mannitol, polydextrose and isomalt on the list of ingredients. (My rule of thumb if the food is a tongue twister to pronounce then it will be a belly twister to digest.) These are artificial sugars you would want to avoid at all cost as they will contribute strongly to excess gas and bloating; since they are not really food and your body isn’t designed to digest chemicals.

There are a few foods that have many beneficial properties but will I reluctantly place on this list as they contribute to excess gas and bloating such as fruits and vegetables e.g. apples and blackberries and there are also some summer fruits which have the same effect on the digestive system like nectarines, pears, plums and peaches unfortunately.

The vegetables you will want to avoid if you have a history of bloating and accumulating gases are snow peas, mushrooms and even cauliflower again healthy foods that will render you the side effects of bloating. Now you know some of the foods to avoid let’s take a look at what is next.

Now spring is here and what is a girl to do? Last year’s warm weather clothes are fitting quite snugly and you are feeling fat and bloated. Of course it is now time to choose the right foods to shift the bloating, release the excess fat, reduce inflammation and support weight loss and get your groove on in preparation to shed the heavy dark cumbersome clothing.

Breakfast begins with a high protein energy rich shake prepared from soaked nuts and seeds of almonds, walnuts, pecans and pine nuts, as well as chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, I like to add rich whole grain oats or quinoa both high fiber foods and nutrient dense.
Often times we over eat in an effort to feel full and well satiated, this is why it is important to eat healthy foods rich with antioxidants that are high in fiber and protein. Begin adding more green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and Swiss chard to your meal plan as well as other magnesium rich vegetables such as red bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and eggplant.

During the summer months add these fruits to help keep your tummy feeling full add bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe and honeydew. Add oranges, pineapple, papaya, raspberries and strawberries, too.

Get your grains on they are high in fiber, rich with protein low in calories one of my most favored grains is quinoa, amaranth comes a close second. The flavor is nutty and it is light and yet quite filling and leaves you feeling well gratified.

Soak all nuts, grains, seeds and beans overnight to rehydrate and release excess gases to prevent your stomach from accumulating gases and become bloated. Eat more living fermented foods to support better digestion such as kimchee, sauerkraut, kambucha, rejuvelac, or plain yogurt to add more floral bacteria to your digestive system. These foods support better digestion ensuring that you will absorb more of the nutrients from the foods you eat. This absorption of healthy minerals, vitamins and nutrients will help you feel full longer and will support the releasing of the excess unwanted fats your body has been holding on to. Making this effort will bring you to your ideal weight for a fun and delightful spring and summer.

Any complete health and wellness program must include movement, so to achieve your best results start walking, dancing, jogging, and swimming, even add yoga or other helpful exercises that you enjoy. Be sure to keep your body well hydrated with fresh clean water.
Jazz Fenton is an Integrative Nutrition Health and Wellness Coach and Cordon Bleu Chef and Living Food Instructor

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