Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Jazz Up Your Life Now presents 
1). ENERGY BOOST- Detoxifying will remove toxins that have polluted your body making you feel sluggish and tired. During a detox you will remove the foods and cleanse away the toxins from those foods that are causing you to feel lack luster. A full body detoxification of fresh fruits and vegetables will support you to shift your energies to boost your absorption of healthy nutrients.

2). SHIFT YOUR DRESS SIZE- Although the purpose of detoxifying and not recommended for weight-loss the good news is that cleansing your body does remove unwanted body fats, releases old fecal matter been stored in your colon. Eating more foods rich with soluble fibers and drinking adequate amounts of water daily will support your body to release stored waste matter and unwanted body fat.

3). HAPPY AND LIGHT- While detoxifying the burdens that have been weighing you down miraculously lightens. You’ll feel a lightness of being; you become more cheerful and happy. As you cleanse your body you are also removing the negative feelings that are holding you down.

4). LIVER HEALTH- One of the most valuable benefits of detoxifying is allowing your organs to cleanse, which helps them to operate more efficiently. Your liver is one such organ which works tremendously hard to keep you well. When your liver becomes toxic from backed up toxins this leaves you feeling sick in many different ways; which is why it is very important to cleanse your liver while continuing to feed it vital nutrients to restore its optimal your liver levels of functioning.

5). REBUILDING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM- During cleansing, waste matter is removed through the lymphatic system, your skin and your pores. A strong immune system prevents illnesses and diseases from ravaging your body, which is the reason vitamin C plays such a vital part of strengthening the immune system. Vitamin C lowers the accumulation of free radicals which are the culprits of diseases. Vitamin C increases your healthy cells and slows the growth of damaged cells. Detoxifying helps to shift the body environment from acidic to alkalize and vitamin C is vital in making this shift.

6). HEALING YOUR HEART – Are your arteries clogged and preventing your blood to freely flow to your heart? This can cause you to experience heart attacks at the most inopportune place and time. By taking on a detoxification practice you can begin to change the inevitable outcome of heart attacks. You will support your wellness by changing your body environment, shifting bad habits that have been sabotaging your wellness and begin to implement and even solidify you activities to maintaining a wellness life style.

7).CHANGING YOUR COMPLEXION- Detoxifying your body clears away toxins that have been clogging your pores, blocking your immune system and accumulating layers of dead skin. Signs of a toxic body can be circles under your eyes, black lips, darkened skin, blotches, dry skin, etc. During detoxification you will begin to take action to comprehensively clean your pores, reduces the dark circles under your eyes, enjoy softer smooth skin and shift your body environment from illness to wellness.

8). RELEASING HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE – Are you feeling tired and lack luster? Does your high blood pressure manage you instead of you managing it? Is your medicine supporting your wellness or is it managing your illness? Introducing detoxification into your lifestyle will support you in shifting your blood pressure from high to normal. It will support your to enjoy uninterrupted rest and receive the maximum amount of rejuvenation needed to function optimally on a daily basis, enjoy the lifestyle you deserve.

9). INCREASE OXYGEN UP TAKE – Is your asthma robbing you of oxygen? Can you do something to change your life situation? Would you like to enjoy a life free of steroids, nervous tension and obstruction to a healthy, active, vibrant lifestyle? Then detoxification is the place to start a new and different journey of healing. It is the place to begin changing your body environment from toxicity with inflammation and mucus. Begin to clear away the actions, foods and activities that are compounding a bad situation into a life threatening problem.

10). FROM DIABETES TO INSULIN FREE – Diabetes is known for its destruction of the human body, from degenerated kidneys, amputations, dialysis and other health challenges. It is time to stop the madness with a guided detoxification the key to changing and releasing the increased accumulation of sugars in your blood, coupled with diligent exercising and advantageous nutrition, You will experience a different outcome to get you on your way to optimal wellness.

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