Monday, July 20, 2015


HEALTHY PROTEIN: ADZUKI BEANS, LENTILS, BLACK EYE PEAS, GARBANZO BEANS. These lean proteins are high in protein, vitamin B's and fiber to keep you feeling full and well satiated.
Soak dried beans and peas overnight, to hydrate, activate enzymes and release unwanted gases. Add them to soups, salads and casseroles. Turn them into a delicious spread for a sandwich or a snack.
These beans are a good source since they are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. 
Add to whole grains such as quinoa, wild rice, rye and wheat berries to obtain maximum protein.
Adzuki beans are super rich in protein a quarter cup of beans has approximately 11 grams of protein, 8 grams of carbohydrates and 0.5 grams of fat, plus the bonus of high fiber 6 grams of protein per each quarter cup serving.
They are a rich source of vitamins such as folate is known for its repairing properties of DNA, and is also at the top of the list for improving cell growth and division. It is also a good source of vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) which supports red blood cells, nervous system and the immune system. 
Half cup of Adzuki beans with supply a large percentage of your daily vitamins. For example a half cup of Adzuki beans are high in minerals, providing 193 milligrams of phosphorus, which is approximately 18 percent of the Daily Value which supports the healing of damaged cells and helps to restore your energy; 612 milligrams of potassium, 35 percent of the Daily Value. With all that has been said about blood pressure by now every one knows that potassium is the go to in the maintenance of healthy blood pressure; 60 milligrams of magnesium, 30 percent of the Daily Value; our hearts cannot function optimally without the benefits of magnesium; which is also known for building a strong immune system. In just 4 milligrams of zinc, is 27 percent of the Daily Value; plus the added value of 2.3 milligrams of iron, or 13 percent of the Daily Value.  
For a complete heart healthy protein breakfast combine Adzuki beans with your soaked oatmeal. Or try filling your pastries with an Adzuki bean mousse or paste. These beans are known for being king of savory dishes but they are very versatile as they are a terrific change in dessert dishes as well. 
Make a point of adding any or all of the beans in this list to your meal plan this week. Make a hummus with garbanzo beans and black eye peas a truly delicious combination. 
And clip on the link below for a delicious recipe

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