Monday, October 19, 2015
Sitting in a mango tree: CAN YOUR FOOD MAKE YOU SICK?
Sitting in a mango tree: CAN YOUR FOOD MAKE YOU SICK?: CHANGE YOUR FOOD CHANGE YOUR LIFE To many people’s lives are in jeopardy from an unhealthy fast food diet, excessive consumption of al...
Friday, October 16, 2015
To many people’s lives are in jeopardy from an unhealthy
fast food diet, excessive consumption of alcohol, pesticides, herbicides,
genetically engineered and artificial foods masking as nourishment.
Many of the
genetically engineered foods have some form of nonfood ingredients masking as
food; such as citric acid, (true citric acid is from the citrus family, lemons,
limes, grapefruit, pineapple, etc. However today and in many years past citric
acid is not been extracted from lemon or pineapple juice but is prepared by the
fermentation of genetically engineered sugar infused with black mold, which was
developed in 1917 by a chemist James Currie; Pfizer popular name in
manufacturing that we know has been the producer of mold derived citric acid
since 1919). Citric acid acts as a preservation that prevents food
deterioration and color depletion.
Here is a
short list of foods that will most likely be contaminated with added citric
acid: Ice cream and sorbets, caramel, sodas, canned and bottle juices, cider,
beer and wine, some cheeses, some canned and jarred foods (preserves, canned
fruits and vegetables and some sauces), baked goods (breads, cakes, cake mixes,
etc.), frozen fish (herring very high on the chain list, shrimp and crab); candy
(sweets and chocolates), pre-cut and packaged frozen and canned fruits and
vegetables and for me the most disheartening of them all baby food. Is there
any wonder so many children are diagnosed with acid reflux disease, skin
eruptions, asthma, learning disorders and a slew of other health challenges; because
of the decisions made by loving parents who have been duped into thinking the
substances they are feeding their babies and children is food.
Citric acid
is a natural component of lemons, limes, oranges, pineapple, tomatoes,
gooseberries, redcurrant and some vegetables such as Jerusalem artichoke and
even some lettuce. If this is the citric that is added to your food there would
be no need for this article; however I am here to share you that the citric
acid in your food is most likely produced in a laboratory with artificial
Citric acid is in most prepared foods whether frozen, canned, boxed or packaged.You may purchase these foods in an attempt to help save you time and even quite often money. However more often than not these ingredients are designed supposedly to enhance, preserve and some might even say supply the nourishment that your body needs. However it is time to examine this model of food preservation, Health and Wellness and then make the changes necessary to heal your family and bring your body’s wellness to its optimal healthy environment.
Citric acid is in most prepared foods whether frozen, canned, boxed or packaged.You may purchase these foods in an attempt to help save you time and even quite often money. However more often than not these ingredients are designed supposedly to enhance, preserve and some might even say supply the nourishment that your body needs. However it is time to examine this model of food preservation, Health and Wellness and then make the changes necessary to heal your family and bring your body’s wellness to its optimal healthy environment.
There are many other nonfoods masking as food that are
genetically modified and maybe prevalent in your kitchen cupboards; here is a
list that through research has been labeled the most popular additives to your
Amino Acids - (the building blocks of twenty amino acids
used in the processing of proteins in your body and even energy while others
are the building blocks of hormones and neurotransmitters. Nine of these are essential
amino acids which cannot be reproduced by the body and must be obtained from
the foods you eat.
The nine essential amino acids not produced by the body
but must be obtained from foods are: Histidine
(essential only in babies may be found in grains such as wheat, rye and rice or dairy products), Isoleucine (egg whites, fish,
nuts, peas and seeds), Leucine needed to build strong muscles (whole
wheat, egg whites, nuts, beans and brown rice), Lysine (builds the immune system, maintains healthy
bones and hormone production. Available in potatoes, yeast,
cheeses, fish, milk and eggs); Methionine (supports the body with the elimination of toxins, amino acids available in beans, lentils,
onions and garlic); Phenylalanine (helps to lessen the symptoms of depression, found in poultry and pulses
such as lentils), Threonine
(supports a healthy liver, may be
obtained from mushrooms, leafy green vegetables, whole grains); Tryptophan (excellent for relaxation, lowering blood pressure and enhance complete
rest found in turkey (which puts you to sleep) however vegetarian sources such
as lentils, oats and beans are easily available); and Valine (sources are in egg whites, peanuts). These amino acids must be replenished
daily to maintain your essential building blocks.
The remaining eleven are termed nonessential amino acids but
are quite necessary for our daily optimal functions and wellness. These are
produced in your body; but production may become compromised when you are ill
or stressfully challenged.
These nonessential conditional amino acids are: arginine,
glutamine, tyrosine, cysteine, glycine, proline, serine and ornithine. The
remaining three nonessential amino acids, which are not considered conditional
but are also very important nutrients to your wellness, are: alanine,
asparagine and aspartate.
These necessary
amino acids are synthesized in adults only and are in every cell in the body. Essential
amino acids are generally found in foods such as animal proteins beef, poultry,
fish and sea food and also in vegan foods such as quinoa and do I dear say the
word soy? However; the amino acids added to prepared foods are most likely made
from genetically engineered products. Unfortunately the soy bean a food that is
very high in protein comes under this heading, creating another important reason
for advocating organically grown foods. An article written by doctors at the
University of Maryland School of Medicine states,
“However, gluten sensitivity remains undertreated and underrecognized as a contributing factor to psychiatric and neurologic manifestations.”
“However, gluten sensitivity remains undertreated and underrecognized as a contributing factor to psychiatric and neurologic manifestations.”
There are quite a few other manipulated nonfoods on the list
Ascorbic Acid a synthetically produced vitamin C perhaps made from you
guessed it genetically engineered corn or another popular one known as sodium
ascorbate also another corn derivative, added to the already popular
Citric acid, described above are other flavor enhancers called Sodium
Citrate (can be made from lemons, oranges or pineapple) and Ethanol
both artificial and natural flavorings; Lactic Acid, Maltodextrins,
Molasses (which many of us assume is a product made from sugar cane but
is it also being artificially produced),
Monosodium Glutamate, Sucrose a
sugar derivative mostly in found in children’s vitamins, High Fructose Corn Syrup,
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Textured Vegetable Protein or TVP, Xanthan Gum, many yeast products
including nutritional yeast and
It seems important to interject here, that most of these
products can be cheaply produced and therefore are probably cheaper on the
store shelves than natural organically produced foods. The University of Maryland in an article states "Side Effects "The Food and Drug Administration regulates production and labeling of genetically engineered foods. Some people have raised concerns that the genes from one food that are inserted into another food may cause an allergic reaction
allergy For instance if peanut genes are in tomatoes, could someone with a peanut allergy react to tomatoes? In January 2001, the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition proposed that developers of bioengineered foods submit scientific and safety information to the FDA at least 120 days before the food is sold."
But, I would like you to consider the exorbitant cost you the consumer will pay in the long run. Eventually paying an exorbitant price for the many, many health challenges and diseases you may face, from carcinogens obtained not only in your food but also in your environment. Take a look at the rising cost of medical care, health insurance, hospitalization, the amputation of vital parts of your body, so that you can have some semblance of a life worth living; not to mention the cost of hospices and funerals. And what part do these genetically engineered foods play with our mental health? This has not even been factored in to the equation yet. Who would want to die or become ill prematurely when life can be so sweet?
allergy For instance if peanut genes are in tomatoes, could someone with a peanut allergy react to tomatoes? In January 2001, the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition proposed that developers of bioengineered foods submit scientific and safety information to the FDA at least 120 days before the food is sold."
But, I would like you to consider the exorbitant cost you the consumer will pay in the long run. Eventually paying an exorbitant price for the many, many health challenges and diseases you may face, from carcinogens obtained not only in your food but also in your environment. Take a look at the rising cost of medical care, health insurance, hospitalization, the amputation of vital parts of your body, so that you can have some semblance of a life worth living; not to mention the cost of hospices and funerals. And what part do these genetically engineered foods play with our mental health? This has not even been factored in to the equation yet. Who would want to die or become ill prematurely when life can be so sweet?
Today I challenge you to begin making the necessary changes
to rejuvenate and enhance your life and that of your family. Read the labels to
know what food is made of. My favorite saying is if the name is too long, has
too many syllables, or you don’t know the meaning of it, place it back on the
shelf until you can investigate what that product is. Stick to whole organic
foods, they are exceptionally high with vital nutrients. Add raw fruits and vegetables and soaked seeds, nuts
and grains like quinoa. Add fermented foods such as kimchee, raw kraut, rejuvelac,
Kombucha, plain yogurt. Add healing spices like cayenne, turmeric, cinnamon and
nutmeg all available in medicinal potency at your health food store. Drink a
hot cup of tea after each meal to support your digestion.
Hydrate every day. Drink eight to ten glasses of water
throughout the day and watch the transformation of your skin as it shifts from
dull to glowing. Sweat every day, it is both cleansing and healing and you will
probably get a good nights’ rest because of your activity and movement.
Next this is one of the least talked about recovery modalities we have SLEEP. Resting helps your digestion, rejuvenates your energy, helps your brain to work more efficiently and enhances a slew of supportive aids throughout your day.
Next this is one of the least talked about recovery modalities we have SLEEP. Resting helps your digestion, rejuvenates your energy, helps your brain to work more efficiently and enhances a slew of supportive aids throughout your day.
Watch how your body responds to your home environment. Are
you happy, sad, angry or just don’t give a damn? Make the changes that you
need. Anger and sadness contribute to illness, complacency leaves you stagnant.
Do your research, learn about other cultures and learn about holistic wellness.
Learn the effectiveness or the burden that modern medicine places on your body.
Allow your stomach to rest at least one
day per month and at least once a year give yourself of good cleanse drinking
raw vegetable juices and smoothies.
Jazz Up Your Life Now offers seasonal cleansing and
detoxification Programs. Our next detox program begins on November 2, 2015 with
orientation on October 31, 2015, just in time to prepare for the holiday
season. It is a program designed to support you on shifting from summer to
winter season and to increase your vitality and most importantly to boost your
Jazz Fenton
Integrative Nutrition
Health and Wellness Coach
Genetically engineered foods | University of Maryland Medical Center
University of Maryland Medical Center
University of Maryland Medical Center
Thursday, July 23, 2015

If you are challenged with diabetes here are a few early
warnings you will need to pay attention to:
Are you consistently thirsty?
Are you struggling with tiredness, is your vision
Do you get constant headaches?
Do you need to pass your urine often during the day?
If at any time you miss any or all of these signs you
might then be at a point of crisis where these challenges will be recognizable:
Are you experiencing dry mouth?
Do you have abdominal pain or weakness?
Does your breath smell fruity?
Do you become
Are you vomiting?
Or you may even experience shortness of breath or
feel confused.
Find the support you need to put yourself back on
track. Keep your health practitioner’s contact information handy.
Let your designated advocate know where the nearest
hospital is located.
Monitor your blood sugar levels.
Support yourself
with adequate and lifesaving nutrition that is:
in organic proteins – for flesh eaters try fresh ocean caught fish – ask your
fish monger for mackerel, salmon, bluefish, bass, sardines or tuna. Many of
these are also high in omega fatty acids.
Vegetarians and vegans may use these
beans and legumes – lentils, Adzuki beans, split peas high in protein low in
Chose skinless chicken breast when
ordering poultry.
Fill your plate with non-starchy
vegetables high in fiber as in dandelion greens and escarole, kale, collard
greens, asparagus, cucumbers, bok Choy, zucchini, spaghetti squash, salad
greens, green peas and radishes. Cabbage, onions and garlic are especially
helpful in the prevention of blood sugar spikes.
Healthy hydrated whole grains should be
key ingredients in your meal plan, such as quinoa, amaranth, bulgur, wild rice,
buckwheat, wheat berries. These are packed with vitamins, phytochemicals and of
course fiber and minerals. These whole grains have been left in- tact as mother-nature
has produced them with their bran, the germ and the endosperm all that is
needed for balance, energy and complete nutrition. Grains that are unprocessed
are generally lower in glycemic index levels.
Use herbs such as Aloe Vera which cleanses
and nourishes the liver. It also balances sugars and fats in your blood stream.
Researchers have found that Aloe Vera juice is a key component in the reduction
of blood glucose levels.
And spices such as turmeric used with the
Indian fruit known as Alma but more commonly known as Indian gooseberry is very
efficient in lowering glucose levels. Your kitchen spices such as Fenugreek and Cinnamon
have been researched for their benefits to diabetics so says a study that
cinnamon improves the health challenges of type two diabetics by lowering their
blood glucose as well as HDL cholesterol as was written in the Diabetes Care
journal. Adding fresh curry leaves and ginger have also been reported as
effective in lowering blood glucose.
Be sure to hydrate frequently during the course of
the day with fresh clean water. Remember that some sodas and fruit juices are
packed with sugar and unfortunately high levels of sodium as well and these two
will take your already high blood sugar levels to its excess.
Have fruits low in sugar and high in fiber. Fiber is
probably one of the best defenses you can employ to support the reduction of
blood glucose. It slows your digestion so you will feel full longer, and these
will also lower your blood cholesterol. Fiber may reduce the possibility of a
stroke as well as it may lower your high blood pressure and reduce the
possibility of heart failure.
Consuming legumes such as lentils, split peas, black
beans and garbanzo beans are high in fiber and also stimulates the body’s
production of insulin.
Add fruits low in sugar and high in fiber and water to
help support your daily bowel movements. Daily elimination is a key factor to
maintaining a wellness regiment.
Written by Jazz Fenton, Integrative Nutrition Health
and Wellness Coach
Feeding Your Mind, Body and Spirit…
Monday, July 20, 2015
HEALTHY PROTEIN: ADZUKI BEANS, LENTILS, BLACK EYE PEAS, GARBANZO BEANS. These lean proteins are high in protein, vitamin B's and fiber to keep you feeling full and well satiated.
Soak dried beans and peas overnight, to hydrate, activate enzymes and release unwanted gases. Add them to soups, salads and casseroles. Turn them into a delicious spread for a sandwich or a snack.
These beans are a good source since they are high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
Add to whole grains such as quinoa, wild rice, rye and wheat berries to obtain maximum protein.
Adzuki beans are super rich in protein a quarter cup of beans has approximately 11 grams of protein, 8 grams of carbohydrates and 0.5 grams of fat, plus the bonus of high fiber 6 grams of protein per each quarter cup serving.
They are a rich source of vitamins such as folate is known for its repairing properties of DNA, and is also at the top of the list for improving cell growth and division. It is also a good source of vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) which supports red blood cells, nervous system and the immune system.
Half cup of Adzuki beans with supply a large percentage of your daily vitamins. For example a half cup of Adzuki beans are high in minerals, providing 193 milligrams of phosphorus, which is approximately 18 percent of the Daily Value which supports the healing of damaged cells and helps to restore your energy; 612 milligrams of potassium, 35 percent of the Daily Value. With all that has been said about blood pressure by now every one knows that potassium is the go to in the maintenance of healthy blood pressure; 60 milligrams of magnesium, 30 percent of the Daily Value; our hearts cannot function optimally without the benefits of magnesium; which is also known for building a strong immune system. In just 4 milligrams of zinc, is 27 percent of the Daily Value; plus the added value of 2.3 milligrams of iron, or 13 percent of the Daily Value.
For a complete heart healthy protein breakfast combine Adzuki beans with your soaked oatmeal. Or try filling your pastries with an Adzuki bean mousse or paste. These beans are known for being king of savory dishes but they are very versatile as they are a terrific change in dessert dishes as well.
Make a point of adding any or all of the beans in this list to your meal plan this week. Make a hummus with garbanzo beans and black eye peas a truly delicious combination.
And clip on the link below for a delicious recipe
Saturday, July 11, 2015
these are delicious stuffed with a cannelli bean medley, or in a salad with a raspberry vinaigrette.
Add color, texture and flavor to your salads, gently grill on the BBQ, add to your summer meals.
Zucchini is in. It is high in potassium which is good for your heart, too.
Here are some other blossoms to brighten up your meals, enhance your palette and decorate your plate.

ARUGULA FLOWERS – peppery, wheat grass flavor off white with
wine and slightly yellow tint. Will Add extra peppery flavor to a watercress
salad. They will enhance any dish.
BROCCOLI is a flower too. It is especially high in sulforaphane an organic sulfur compound identified in cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli has tested to contain the highest, most potent of all the cruciferous vegetables. This compound significantly impacts the reduction of high blood pressure.

FLOWERS the sweet essence is a great addition to dessert recipes. These purplish
blue flowers are excellent addition to a cup of tea or a glass of champagne.
NASTURTIUMS these beauties tastes slightly sweet with a fiery spice and a little bitter too. Their bright yellow and orange colors with brighten up any meal. The make a beautiful addition to salads for color and varied texture. These little beauties are very nutritious too. They contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as well as carotinoids and flavanoids.
PANSY BLOSSOMS makes a beautiful edible decoration on desserts. This
adds color and minty flavor to salads. Brightens and enhances any dish be it
vegetable, fruit, poultry or animal.
ROSE PETALS give a little ginger essence. Is an excellent addition to agave and honey. Add to your fruit salad or sorbet.
Also visit for helpful tips of the day and other beneficial information. Like us at
Monday, June 29, 2015
Termed medical Viagra by
watermelon is one of the best summer fruits known for its healthy hydrating
benefits plus. Watermelon has a high amount of vitamins, minerals and
antioxidants with the added benefit of being low in calories.
Medical News Today reports "Watermelon also contains
thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium,
phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, choline, lycopene and
betaine. According to the National Watermelon Promotion Board, watermelon
contains more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable."
Ginger juice reduces inflammation accumulation. Ginger is a
spice known for support those struggling with arthritis. It is also a go to for
women struggling with menstrual cramps and is also a good alternative to
support people who suffer with migraine headaches.
Ginger has been linked to the healing of prostate cancer. If
you are challenged with high blood sugar (diabetes) this spice will help to
lower your blood sugar, as well as protect your liver, kidneys and eyes.
In creating Festive Palate’s recipes for foods preparation workshop
ginger plays a strong role in the preparations as it is an excellent support for
proper digestion.
Fresh Ginger is an excellent spice to hold in your pantry. It
can be added to soups, stews, curries and salad dressings. In fact one of my
favorite salad dressing is carrot ginger. As an excellent digestive aid, grate
fresh ginger, bring cold water to the boil and pour over the grated ginger.
Allow it to steep for at least five minutes. Strain and serve with freshly
squeezed lime juice.
Limes provide health benefits with such nutrients as phytonutrients
and antioxidants. Limes are a go to in starving off colds due to its high
vitamin C contents. Vitamin C is well known for its immune building properties
and as a free radical fighter. It completely clears away any unwanted inflammation
support your body in its healing and wellness.
Limes are also known for its antibiotic effects as studies
are investigating their benefit for those struggling with high cholesterol.
Follow this link for a delicious watermelon, ginger and lime
juice recipe
For other delicious recipes click on this link and enjoy.
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Thursday, March 12, 2015

We have
endured one of the hardest winters we have experienced in many, many years.
With that endurance came one or two sizes around your belly leaving you looking
and feeling larger than you were last fall. How did this occur? There are many
reasons, lifestyle habits is one of the largest contributing factors to weight
gain. For the purpose of this article I will focus here however BELLY FAT it
contributing factors and making the necessary changes that will shift the
bloating, excess gas and weight gain.
Belly fat is
associated with many illnesses and health challenges such as heart disease,
stroke, obesity, high blood sugar/diabetes. The coldness, darkness and dank weather
made you feel like wrapping yourself in a blank all winter long; moving only
when it was absolutely necessary and in an effort to keep warm you ate every
comfort food you could find. Although these might have brought comfort to you
for a short spell they also brought overall excess fat but even more accumulated
around the stomach and waist area.
Here are a
few reasons why you might have found yourself in this predicament. The foods
you ate are more likely the culprit to your new waist line. If you indulged
with these foods this past winter – heavy fatty foods: butter, cheese, heavy
fatty red meats are just some of the most well- known causes of belly fat.
Another cause is the over indulgence of alcohol due to the myths of the
comforts been that it brings but which are super high in calories. Eating
sweets in an attempt to make you feel better such as cookies, cakes, pastries
and including fast foods, fried foods, foods prepared with margarine will
certainly contribute to your now accumulated belly fat. This is the perfect
opportunity to make notes to learn from as you transition from winter to
There are
other reasons that bloating can occur one such is in the combinations of foods
that is consumed. For example bloating will occur when fruits and vegetables
are combined as is now the craze of making smoothies. Fruits and meats digested
together create an environment of fermentation in the belly which increases
bloating and gases and interrupts proper digestion. For years it has been a
custom to match fruits and grains together for hearty nourishing breakfast, unfortunately
together these foods prevents proper digestion.
Fruits are to
be eaten on their own and allowing adequate time for proper digestion before
adding other foods.
Animal Protein
should be eaten with vegetables only, and grains should also be combined with
research shows that weight gain can be a contributing factor to health
challenges such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and
cardiovascular disease to name just a few, then it is time to examine the
contributing factors that are holding up in your kitchen. For example do you
have these foods in your larder? Have they been your companion for the cold
winter days and nights? Dense carbohydrates such as white flour foods: bagels
and white flour breads, crackers, processed cereals, white rice or perhaps its snack
foods such as pretzels also a white flour prepared food. Or how about frying
foods or using saturated fats like dairy foods creams, and other full fat
foods. Or perhaps you used and might still are using unhealthy omega-6 fats
such as corn oil, safflower, and sunflower and we mustn’t forget good old soy
bean oils.
Well it is
time to remove them not just from your list but also from your food pantry.
Eating these foods are more than likely the culprit to your now larger belly.
But we mustn’t forget artificial sweeteners and other sugar free foods that can
cause bloating.
This leads
me to remind you to always read the labels – look for these mannitol,
polydextrose and isomalt on the list of ingredients. (My rule of thumb if the
food is a tongue twister to pronounce then it will be a belly twister to
digest.) These are artificial sugars you would want to avoid at all cost as
they will contribute strongly to excess gas and bloating; since they are not
really food and your body isn’t designed to digest chemicals.
There are a
few foods that have many beneficial properties but will I reluctantly place on
this list as they contribute to excess gas and bloating such as fruits and
vegetables e.g. apples and blackberries and there are also some summer fruits
which have the same effect on the digestive system like nectarines, pears,
plums and peaches unfortunately.
vegetables you will want to avoid if you have a history of bloating and
accumulating gases are snow peas, mushrooms and even cauliflower again healthy
foods that will render you the side effects of bloating. Now you know some of
the foods to avoid let’s take a look at what is next.
Now spring
is here and what is a girl to do? Last year’s warm weather clothes are fitting
quite snugly and you are feeling fat and bloated. Of course it is now time to
choose the right foods to shift the bloating, release the excess fat, reduce
inflammation and support weight loss and get your groove on in preparation to
shed the heavy dark cumbersome clothing.
begins with a high protein energy rich shake prepared from soaked nuts and
seeds of almonds, walnuts, pecans and pine nuts, as well as chia seeds,
flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, I like to add rich whole grain
oats or quinoa both high fiber foods and nutrient dense.
Often times
we over eat in an effort to feel full and well satiated, this is why it is
important to eat healthy foods rich with antioxidants that are high in fiber
and protein. Begin adding more green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and
Swiss chard to your meal plan as well as other magnesium rich vegetables such
as red bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and eggplant.
During the
summer months add these fruits to help keep your tummy feeling full add
bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe and honeydew. Add oranges, pineapple, papaya,
raspberries and strawberries, too.
Get your
grains on they are high in fiber, rich with protein low in calories one of my
most favored grains is quinoa, amaranth comes a close second. The flavor is
nutty and it is light and yet quite filling and leaves you feeling well gratified.
Soak all
nuts, grains, seeds and beans overnight to rehydrate and release excess gases
to prevent your stomach from accumulating gases and become bloated. Eat more
living fermented foods to support better digestion such as kimchee, sauerkraut,
kambucha, rejuvelac, or plain yogurt to add more floral bacteria to your
digestive system. These foods support better digestion ensuring that you will
absorb more of the nutrients from the foods you eat. This absorption of healthy
minerals, vitamins and nutrients will help you feel full longer and will
support the releasing of the excess unwanted fats your body has been holding on
to. Making this effort will bring you to your ideal weight for a fun and
delightful spring and summer.
Any complete
health and wellness program must include movement, so to achieve your best
results start walking, dancing, jogging, and swimming, even add yoga or other
helpful exercises that you enjoy. Be sure to keep your body well hydrated with
fresh clean water.
Jazz Fenton is an Integrative Nutrition Health and Wellness Coach and Cordon Bleu Chef and Living Food Instructor
Visit Follow me
on twitter @JazzFenton1
or on
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Our bodies
have many functions those functions can operate optimally to support our
complete wellness or they can be compromised, unable to perform fully preventing
foods with natural pigmentation is a beneficial way to support the body’s
organs, receive the best nutritional benefits from the foods you eat and to
keep you taking fun exciting vacations and staying out of the doctor’s offices
and hospitals.
Eating your
colors insures strengthening your immune system, ensuring that you will consume
the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals to fully nourish your body.
Eating living
foods will support your overall wellness in sharing their enzymes to alkalize
your body environment. Alkalizing your body environment ensures the reduction
of acidity in the body which is generally the underlying cause of many
Eating living
foods, in the form of fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables is a sure way to support
your good health and wellness, livening up your creative food preparation skills
and increases your food pigmentation consumption.
Below is a
list of foods and their colors that supports vital areas and functions of the
builds the immune system with their anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and
anti-fungal substances as well as sulfur, flavonoids and quercetin these foods include:
garlic, onion, cauliflower, turnips,
white beans, daikon radishes and sesame seeds.
FOODS are a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C builds the immune system
preventing allergies, reducing free radicals and inflammation. They support
healthy skin with bioflavonoids and also support the tendons, ligaments and
cartilage and increases collagen. These yellow foods are also a good source of
potassium and lycopene as well as flavonoids, and beta-carotene. They consist
of: lemons, pineapple, golden kiwi, yellow split peas, summer squash, yellow
winter squash and rutabaga.
FOODS these foods are high in vitamin K necessary for clotting the blood as
well as strengthening the bones. They are high in fiber and chlorophyll which
enhances the functions of both the kidneys and the liver which support our overall
wellness by removing harmful toxins from the body. There is an abundance of green
vegetables and fruits they include: Brussels sprouts, kale, sweet peas, green
beans, broccoli, okra, watercress, spinach, asparagus and green kiwi.
FOODS these are an excellent source of beta-carotene which is transformed into vitamin
A in the body after consumption and digestion.
They are high in antioxidants which support a healthy immune system. Vitamin
A strengthens the heart, eye health and also your skin. It protects your body
system against free radicals the main culprit in increasing the risk of cancer
and infections. Most popular orange foods are carrots, butternut squash, sweet
potato, oranges and cantaloupe.
are rich source of lycopene and anthocyanin phytonutrients which enhances
circulation and supports formation of healthy cells. The best sources for
obtaining these nutrients and receiving their nutritional benefits are:
Strawberries, cherries, raspberries, beets, watermelon, cranberries, pink
grapefruit, red pepper and tomatoes.
DARK BLUE FOODS are a rich source of antioxidants which enhances the immune
system, reduces the production of inflammation which then minimizes illnesses
and diseases and extends longevity. These fruits and vegetables also support the
increase of HDL cholesterol levels and brain functions. They are: blueberries,
blackberries, eggplant, purple cabbage, purple grapes, black currants.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Increasing your
potassium intake can be helpful in lowering high blood pressure; potassium will
support regulating the heart, strengthen your bones and support a healthy blood
sugar balance.
The body
requires 4700mg of potassium daily to function optimally. By adding a
combination of these fruits to your daily meal plan you will experience higher Potassium
Levels. For breakfast add your favorite fruits to a smoothie mango is sweet and
delicious boasting 530mg potassium in one fruit, or you might want to combine with
plain Greek yogurt with a banana which alone has 422mg of potassium. Perhaps
you would like to make a salad of avocado, diced tomato, parsley and cucumber for
lunch or as an appetizer for supper to increase your daily potassium requirements.
Here is a
list of fruits that are rich in potassium, eat them fresh, no cooking or baking
to increase your enzymes consumption. Increasing your enzymes will result in a
more alkalized body environment enhancing your immune system to better health
and wellness. So just enjoy…
Avocado Haas
4oz. 678mg
Mango (1)
Cantaloupe 1
cup 431mg
Tomato 1 cup
Banana 1
medium 422mg
dried 10 halves (soak to activate the enzymes) 407mg
Florida (large) 4oz 400mg
Honey dew 1
cup 388mg
Pear Asian
(1) 275 grams; 333mg
Peaches 1
cup 323mg
Prunes (5)
green/red Thompson 1 cup 306mg
Tomato (1)
(1) 273mg
Papaya 1 cup
1 cup 254mg
Raisins ¼
cup 250mg
Kiwi Fruit
(1) 237mg
Orange (1)
1 cup 233mg
Medjool (2) 200mg
Pear (1)
Peaches (1)
1 cup 186mg
white ½ cup 175mg
raw 1 cup 170mg
pink ½ cup 166mg
Pear Asian
(1) 122grams; 148mg
Star Fruit 1
cup 144mg
(1) 139mg
Star Fruit
(Carambola) 1 fruit 121mg
Plum (1)
green/red Thompson 10 grapes 96mg
Lemon raw
(1) 80mg
sundried (1 piece) 69mg
Lemon juiced
(1) 48mg
Lime Juice
(1) 44mg
Monday, January 19, 2015
Why is vitamin B12 important?
In order to experience a strong healthy immune system it is
necessary to include in your daily meals. Vitamin B12 is necessary in the formation of
red blood cells; it strengthens the immune system, the nervous system and is
vital for optimal mental wellness and nervous disorders. It supports people
struggling with lethargy and it is especially important to women who are
planning pregnancy and child bearing.
Vitamin B12 is often recommended for people struggling with depression,
moodiness, mental imbalances, wavering memory, and shortness of breath, heart palpitations
and exhaustion.
To ensure proper absorption and functions vitamin B12 must be taken together with Folic
Acid. Folic acid is a member of the B complex family and can be found in many
dried beans, Lentils, Split Peas, Dried beans and peas are to be soaked in
water overnight before cooking. Almonds and other nuts are a good source of
folic acid but these too should be soaked for a least a few hours or overnight
to activate the enzymes and other nutrients. Any of these foods can be added to
or combined with foods high in B12 as in Dulse, Nori, Alaria or any of the
foods listed below.
Fruits which are suitable to obtain folic acid include Bananas,
Oranges and Peaches; Vegetables include Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts Beet Root,
Broccoli, Cabbage and Spinach. These foods are recommended for raw consumption as
folic acid will most likely be destroyed through cooking methods.
Vegans are encouraged to include vitamin B12 foods into
their diet and to avoid foods and substances that deplete vitamin B12 from the
body such as: Antibiotics, Birth Control Pills, stimulants such as pharmaceuticals,
alcohol and coffee as well as cigarettes, and especially it is strongly recommended
remove all stressful persons or situations from your environment.
Spirulina 40mcg
Wild Blue Green Algae 40mcg
Nori 12-70mcg
Dulse 7-13mcg
Alaria 5mcg
Wakame 5mcg
Kelp 4mcg
Kombu 3mcg
Shoyu & Tamari
Ocean Animals
Clams 49mcg
Oysters 18mcg
Mackerel 12mcg
Sardines 10mcg
Herring 10mcg
Cod 5mcg
Bass 1mcg
Tuna 2mcg
To busy to prepare your meal filled with vitamin B12 proteins, fruits and vegetables? Here is an easy way to obtain your daily dosage of vitamin B12 plus much more. Member #21184541 for your ARBONNE essentials GREENS BALANCE.
Jazz Fenton HHC is an Integrative Nutrition Health and Wellness Coach
Cordon Bleu Graduate Chef - Raw Food Vegan Advocate
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