If you are challenged with diabetes here are a few early
warnings you will need to pay attention to:
Are you consistently thirsty?
Are you struggling with tiredness, is your vision
Do you get constant headaches?
Do you need to pass your urine often during the day?
If at any time you miss any or all of these signs you
might then be at a point of crisis where these challenges will be recognizable:
Are you experiencing dry mouth?
Do you have abdominal pain or weakness?
Does your breath smell fruity?
Do you become
Are you vomiting?
Or you may even experience shortness of breath or
feel confused.
Find the support you need to put yourself back on
track. Keep your health practitioner’s contact information handy.
Let your designated advocate know where the nearest
hospital is located.
Monitor your blood sugar levels.
Support yourself
with adequate and lifesaving nutrition that is:
in organic proteins – for flesh eaters try fresh ocean caught fish – ask your
fish monger for mackerel, salmon, bluefish, bass, sardines or tuna. Many of
these are also high in omega fatty acids.
Vegetarians and vegans may use these
beans and legumes – lentils, Adzuki beans, split peas high in protein low in
Chose skinless chicken breast when
ordering poultry.
Fill your plate with non-starchy
vegetables high in fiber as in dandelion greens and escarole, kale, collard
greens, asparagus, cucumbers, bok Choy, zucchini, spaghetti squash, salad
greens, green peas and radishes. Cabbage, onions and garlic are especially
helpful in the prevention of blood sugar spikes.
Healthy hydrated whole grains should be
key ingredients in your meal plan, such as quinoa, amaranth, bulgur, wild rice,
buckwheat, wheat berries. These are packed with vitamins, phytochemicals and of
course fiber and minerals. These whole grains have been left in- tact as mother-nature
has produced them with their bran, the germ and the endosperm all that is
needed for balance, energy and complete nutrition. Grains that are unprocessed
are generally lower in glycemic index levels.
Use herbs such as Aloe Vera which cleanses
and nourishes the liver. It also balances sugars and fats in your blood stream.
Researchers have found that Aloe Vera juice is a key component in the reduction
of blood glucose levels.
And spices such as turmeric used with the
Indian fruit known as Alma but more commonly known as Indian gooseberry is very
efficient in lowering glucose levels. Your kitchen spices such as Fenugreek and Cinnamon
have been researched for their benefits to diabetics so says a study that
cinnamon improves the health challenges of type two diabetics by lowering their
blood glucose as well as HDL cholesterol as was written in the Diabetes Care
journal. Adding fresh curry leaves and ginger have also been reported as
effective in lowering blood glucose.
Be sure to hydrate frequently during the course of
the day with fresh clean water. Remember that some sodas and fruit juices are
packed with sugar and unfortunately high levels of sodium as well and these two
will take your already high blood sugar levels to its excess.
Have fruits low in sugar and high in fiber. Fiber is
probably one of the best defenses you can employ to support the reduction of
blood glucose. It slows your digestion so you will feel full longer, and these
will also lower your blood cholesterol. Fiber may reduce the possibility of a
stroke as well as it may lower your high blood pressure and reduce the
possibility of heart failure.
Consuming legumes such as lentils, split peas, black
beans and garbanzo beans are high in fiber and also stimulates the body’s
production of insulin.
Add fruits low in sugar and high in fiber and water to
help support your daily bowel movements. Daily elimination is a key factor to
maintaining a wellness regiment.
Written by Jazz Fenton, Integrative Nutrition Health
and Wellness Coach
Feeding Your Mind, Body and Spirit…www.jazzupyourlifenow.com